Equilibrium Tremens
Enough with the same old clubs, unicycles and jugglers…
Tobia Circus presents an innovative show where ordinary brums lead us in the absurd world of Philip Sutil, a thin and nimble gentleman who loves dancing.
This smart character is fascinated by the idea of “equilibrium” and wants to challenge gravity and steal lightness in order to share it with his public. This is a show of balancing and clownerie with a surreal note where twists and unexpected turns follow one another.
Imre – Social Salto Show
Imre is lifting up the vibe with playful friendly fun at your Festival. During his show, he creates heart-touching moments with the kids by making them the Stars of the show and he turns the adults into Heros with friendly fun. From the street to the grand theatre, Imre’s spectacles are perfect for audiences of all ages and languages.
Ambiguous Vagabond
The Ambiguous Vagabond is a non verbal Physical Comedy & Circus show. An ode to the classic character from silent film.
A combination of circus skills such as juggling, handbalance, rolla bola & live music mixed into comedy routines. Very interactive, very playful.
A beautiful idiot who makes older spectators happily nostalgic and young ones cry….
with laughter!
TaKe oFF – Circus Show – Payaso Soluto
TaKe oFF” is a street circus show that will take you on an exciting journey full of challenges and surprises with SOLUTTO, a intrepid aviator born in the south of the world. SOLUTTO In each show he invites you on a journey full of excitement and vertigo, where his skill in the air and his plane will be your guides. Each flight plan is unique and full of surprises that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. The show combines different circus disciplines, such as balance and risk, comedy and clowning, physical theater, improvisation, circus and juggling to create a universal language that connects with the whole family. The combination of these disciplines creates a unique and unforgettable experience that will transport you to a magical world full of adventures. In addition to SOLUTTO’s air ability. The show features other impressive juggling, balancing and acrobatic acts that will leave you in awe. Comedy and clowning are also present in each show, which will make the whole family laugh and enjoy the experience.
A Smile change your life
In this show Huenchulaf tries to make time pass in a different way. That is why he plays in different ways with people in order to transform the public, vehicles, animals and every element that is in the place in his own travel companions. A travel to a world without fear or limits, where anything can happen.
In the show the different disciplines of classical mime, contemporary mime, street mime, acrobatics and clowning are mixed. Elements and techniques of juggling and manipulation are also used. The intention is to improvise with the public and all objects that are available, making the show always in a new, fresh, different way.
Moving Zen
If you were about to embark on the last journey of life where would you want to go and what would you do
Wabisabi- means pure beauty, encompassing the aesthetics of Zen
The flowing of the body combines fire and circus to compose a flow art that dances with Zen.
This journey is an end and a new beginning
Caribbean flow – Klaun Krumppir
Moje umjetničko ime je Klaun Krumppir i dolazim iz daleke Venezuele sa svojom komičnom i žonglerskom predstavom “Caribbean flow” na Cest is d Best festival!
Nastao je iz ideje koja spaja tradicionalan cirkuski show sa žongliranjem, monociklom, interakcijom s publikom te puno dobre energije. Predstava je namijenjena svim uzrastima te će nasmijati sve, od najmlađe do najstarije publike!
Slam Dunk
Ova predstava inspirirana je podvizima djetinjstva, onim trenucima kada je važno igrati bez zaustavljanja. Super junak kojeg svi vole i koji će vas zadiviti nevjerojatnim udarcima u koš do onog nezaboravnog Slam Dunk suis generisa, koji će ga katapultirati prema zasluženoj SLAVI.
Walo World: Invazija boja
“Dobrodošli u ‘Walo World: Invazija boja’! Ova predstava nije samo podsjetnik da svijet ne bi trebao biti samo siv – to je eksplozija radosti i šarenog kaosa koji će promijeniti vaš pogled na stvari!
Athena – Božica rata – Živa Statua
Athena je najpravedniji lik. Ona je ovdje kako bi donijela mir i davala mudre savjete svima kojima je to potrebno. Za razliku od Hermione i Pantalonea, Athena nije zabavna, već konzervativna i ozbiljna. Najteže je nasmijati je, mislite li da to možete učiniti?
Pantalone – Commedia dell arte – Živa Statua
Pantalone je vrlo karakterističan lik iz Commedia dell arte. Dolazi u Zagreb kako bi tražio novac koji mu je ukraden, ali na kraju shvaća da ga je cijelo vrijeme imao.
Hermiona Granger – Živa Statua
Hermiona je došla iz Hogwartske akademije kako bi zajedno s čarobnjacima i vješticama iz Zagreba proučavala nove čarolije. Donijela je sve svoje knjige kako ništa ne bi pošlo po krivu i ako imate sreće, možda ćete je vidjeti kako izvodi jednu ili dvije čarolije sa svojim lebdećim štapićem. I zapamtite, to je LevIOsa, ne LevioSA.
Feel the Rock: cirkuska predstava
Radionica hodanja na štulama
Jeste li se ikada zapitali kako divovi vide svijet?
Sada imate priliku doživjeti to kroz umjetnost hodanja na štulama. Samo ponesite hrabrost sa sobom jer bi vam mogla zatrebati.